Coach Keith Keppner | February 4th, 2019
You may have had some friends or even family members that train with us at our Athens gym and talk about how much they love our training. We are so pumped that the people of Athens awarded us with Best Martial Arts School in Athens even though we are nothing like a traditional Martial Arts School. The question is: what is holding you back from trying a class and if you have tried a class, what is holding you back from joining the gym and making us a part of your healthy lifestyle?
Get started by signing up with one of our Athens fitness classes!
Maybe you have a busy schedule, maybe you feel like you need to be in better shape to train with us, maybe you think that you should join later when you have enough time, maybe… You could probably find a bunch of reasons, but how about you find one reason… one reason to start.
Maybe you realize that if you start now, not a year from now, your future self will thank you. Have you ever heard of the Law of Diminishing Intent? What this law means is that the longer you wait to do something the less likely you are to do it. The longer you wait, the more certain you can be that you will never do it.
To combat this Law of Diminishing Intent you have to make it a habit to act, to take action. When you get inspired to take control of your health or life you must commit yourself to something at that moment and the more minutes and seconds you wait, the more you ensure you will never even start on your goals and desires.
So wait no longer to reclaim your health, your fitness and your life. You may delay, but time will not!